Sunday, March 20, 2011

Where the f**k is Passepartout ?

I really like this kind of whimsical "I am talking and everyone, yet no one, is listening" kind of blog-speak. Aside from science writing (which has taken a toiletwards turn, so let us not speak of that) this is my favourite kind of writing. Sorry, that probably means there'll be a lot of it.


We is doing this trip fing, innit? A carefully planned excursion (spur of the moment, booked within the space of half an hour with no thought to a damn thing of use) to the southern hemisphere of the planet (mostly Melbourne, slightly Cairns), craftily broken up with a stopover of two days in Hong Kong on the way there and three in Tokyo on the way back. I think you can see where this might get interesting. I meant to do this blog thing last time I was in Melbourne (I still have a piece saved entitled "Team Hormone: Sailing on a Sea of Wet Knickers". Happy times).

So, as you might have gathered, due to some of Limmony Snicket's (don't you love when modern-does-twee in lieu of history? I got suckered by Sleepy Hollow as well :P ) unfortunate f**k ups going astray, two of our destinations (so far...) have suffered some sort of natural disaster. I am willing to give Tokyo a go, as long as I don't become irradiated, but it seems there is more chance of that being high up in the atmosphere on the flight over so all may yet be well.

I should point out that "I" am Fi (and we are me. And both of us will buy you a drink if you get that trashy literary reference) and will be the sole, exclusive, non-negotiable and absolutely untouchable by war, famine, pestilence and most international legal treaties, writer of this mighty tome. Paul is complicit by his very existence; his contribution is willing, silent and always in perfect agreement with everything I say. Don't you love when that happens? Paul is nodding.


  1. Looking forward to hearing about the next leg of your journey! Loved seeing you guys. You two really have to come out this way :-)
